Rolling Benches
Rolling top benches/moveable top benches increase production by utilizing more ground area. For new construction, rolling benches/moveable top benches are definitely the growers choice. Rolling/moveable top benches properly designed can utilize up to 80% of ground area. Legs on moveable top benches can be imbedded in concrete or free-standing. Rolling/moveable top benches can accommodate expanded metal, welded wire or ebb and flow tops and most other bench tops. Rolling/moveable top benches come in a variety of sty les and qualities. Support legs can be galvanized angle iron or very strong square steel tubing. Side and end railing varies from 1 inch to 4 inches and come in various types. USGR specializes in designing and engineering rolling/moveable top benches for your greenhouse, whether new construction or upgrading from stationary benches.