

Carts available from USGR

For over 80 years, we have offered a wide variety of carts that are used widely in the greenhouse, nursery, garden center and retail customer service carts. We also have a complete line of industrial electric utility vehicles and carts for all applications including warehouses, industrial sites, large greenhouses and nurseries, and many more.

Many of our carts have a variety of wheel offerings to meet the needs not only of those for concrete and indoor shopping carts. We have carts of all sizes to meet the need for plant and for other plant transportation. Our shopping carts specially designed to carry maximum quantity of plants.

We offer three layer shopping cart that is popular. In addition to our shopping cart, we have general greenhouse carts and nursery carts that include tracking wagon, very heavy duty, available at 4′ X 8′,  4′ X 10′, 5′ X 10′, 6′ X 12′ .

These long carts are used not only for grower transportation within the greenhouse and nursery but also can be used by retail customers to transport large plants.

For those interested we also have a soil sterilizing unit that connects to a soil sterilizing trailer that sterilizes the soil and potting can be made directly from the steamed soil into pots.

We have exceptional line of transportation carts designed for the standard 10 20 flat and also have 24, 26, and 44 inch wide transportable carts. All of these carts are available with different size wheels depending upon the weight required.

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