For 53 years, our carts have been engineered and designed for customer service and retail nursery garden center transportation and moving plants and product efficiently. Our carts are designed to hold a maximum number of plants for increased sales.
We also have transportation carts to carry the product from the greenhouse to trucks to display retail. Our carts are used for moving all types of plants, nursery stock within the grower facility. Many of our greenhouse and nursery carts are particularly well designed for movement on concrete, or gravel or other rough surface.
Our carts come in a variety of lengths and widths and include tree dollies. Our tree dollies are capable of handling up to 600 lbs. The tree dollies also have extremely heavy duty wheels. Some of our tree dollies are referred to as flat bed dollies.
In addition to offering quality retail production greenhouse carts and production nursery carts, we recognize of most importance to the customer is the quality of the tire or caster. For some of our carts, a variety of wheels and casters are offered to meet the very unique plant cart and other plant product movement requirements.
We also offer sectional tracking trailer. Tracking wagons are extremely strong; like potting trailers, tracking wagons are heavily coated against corrosion due to humidity and bedding plants.