About Shade Systems


Automatic energy curtains for both indoor and outdoor applications.   Our greenhouse curtain systems are comprised of many different shade fabrics and materials that are attached to our mechanical shade operating systems.    Greenhouse shade systems are extremely valuable in protecting plants from the sun and reflecting heat.  Greenhouse shade systems provide the customer with the ability to control plant growth and sunlight to meet individual plant species requirements.  We also sell shade houses where roof, sides and ends can retract coverings for maximum ventilation and light control.   Whether you are trying to shade small research areas or multi acre/hectare structures, we have both the mechanical and manual shade systems that will provide you with excellent crop control that maximizes and benefit plant growth for high quality.   Energy shade curtains and shade systems are available with a wide variety of shade percentages so your crop receives the most beneficial light.   Some energy shade and curtain systems are also used for heat retention that contributes to lower energy costs.

 We also offer a wide variety of controllers for your energy shade and curtain systems that are integrated with the other environmental control operating systems.  USGR is one of the original system developers for shade systems, heat retention systems and rollup curtains dating to 1970.

Energy shade systems are becoming universally acceptable as essential to crop growth and control and offer great benefits for saving energy when used as a heat retention system.  

U.S. Global Resources can design and engineer energy shade/curtain systems, greenhouse shade systems in most existing greenhouses providing that greenhouse is a minimum of 800 to 1000 sq ft.   In this climate of high energy costs, cost savings with energy curtains contribute heavily to your bottom line.   When building a new structure or retrofitting an older facility, consider energy curtains.