About Insect Bug Pest Screen Houses


Many greenhouses are covered with insect, bug and pest control screens on roof, sides and ends. Insect screen houses protect again from many different insects from thrip to mosquitos and even birds. Insect, bugs and pest screens are used extensively in areas where growers try to reduce use of insecticide.

Insect, bug, pest screen greenhouses are growing in demand and material is generally white in color. Problem of insect greenhouses is heat buildup because of air flow. Insect screen structures cover many acres or hectares. The insect screen greenhouse also known as pest protector houses are popular in many parts of the world. If you are looking for pest control, USGR has best net and screens available.

Pest control houses meet the same standards as most other insect screen products. If you have insect or control problem, USGR can provide insect and bug screen and net material structure to limit the disease and insect infiltration.