Poly Pipe Photo Album


Here is a collection of photographs showing poly-pipe installations done by USGR.

Poly-pipe irrigation
Poly-pipe Irrigation tubing irrigating from ridge in middle of soybean field
Poly-pipe tubing
Irrigating from ridge in middle of soybean field
Poly-pipe irrigation
Poly-pipe used in irrigating sugar cane
Poly-pipe irrigation tubing
Poly-pipe for large acreage farming
Poly-pipe tubing
Poly-pipe irrigating milo crops
Poly-pipe irrigation
Poly-pipe used in flooding field before planting onions
Poly-pipe plastic irrigation pipe
Poly-pipe in rice production
Poly-pipe plastic irrigation pipe
Poly-pipe in corn field
Poly-pipe irrigation pipe
Poly-pipe used in irrigating cotton
Poly-pipe being used on irrigating cotton
Poly-pipe irrigation
Poly-pipe installation in Panama
Poly-pipe tubing
Poly-pipe with gate valves installed -sugar cane production
Overseeing the installation of Poly-pipe in Panama