About Soil Mixing and Handling


USGR offers 11 different soil mixing and other media mixing and soil handling equipment. We have soil mixing/handling for small growers who need only « soil batch mixers. We also offer a standard soil mixing equipment, in 1, 2 and 3 yard mixers. Other standard soil mixing equipment is our Mix Maker 10 that will mix up to 12 cubic yards and out Mix maker 24 which handles up to 25 cubic yards. For those very large growers, we offer our Super In-Line mixing system that will handle 36 up to 100 cubic yards. Regardless of your mixing requirements, USGR can provide you with soil mixing systems to meet your specific requirements. These soil mixers are sold worldwide because of their durability and low maintenance. For those who are bagging soil and media, the large bagging units are very popular for continuous mixing and bagging operation. Soil and media handling equipment is all extremely heavy duty. It has variable speed and fast mix products, thorough mixing is standard we set on all our equipment. Media of all types are processed through our mixers.

Whether your soil mixing requirements are large or small or used in conjunction with other equipment such as bagging, flat and pot filling, bed and ground dispersal, we can provide the systems to meet your requirements. We offer complete systems from mixing, sterilizing, conveying and watering.

In many cases our clients also want to sterilize soil prior to mixing. We have some of the most diversified soil sterilizing equipment available. We offer conveyor soil sterilizing system for the large volume who may wish to sterilize 2 cubic yard at a time.

Prior to mixing and after mixing, we have conveyors of all types to transport the initial product.

For those sterilizing very large areas, we offer special sterilizing of soil by our European manufacture of tractor pulled carpet sterilizer. Areas as wide as 9 meters (30 ft) can be sterilized at one time. These units incorporate a boiler, large mat and live steam into soil.


Soil Mixers available in one-half yard to 25 yard soil mixer systems. Soil mixers available to mix all types of media. Our soil mixers are good for sand, soil, peat moss, fertilizer additives. Our soil mixers mix very completely, very rapidly.

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